Improve this doc

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Improve this doc data API

Do you want to craft an application or a infographic using our API? You're in the right place. It's really simple: just click the big-blue-button and start dreaming. We have a single API to rule them all.

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datagem schema

Every datagem we release has a schema that allows a developer to understand which kind of data we offer. Beneath you'll find the schema for both our datagems.



Hidden in the magic hat (will soon pop-up)
  • new data types: composites and arrays;
  • a proper Places Taxonomy dataset, with its API and links to the Places dataset;
  • new geographic features added to the API;
  • more data for our Places dataset;
  • more data for our Administrative Regions dataset, which gains italian localities and learns more information such as cadastral codes;
  • this doc! Don't forget to contribute forking on github!

change log

Tue, April 9, 2013
  • opens to the beta world;
  • a new dataset of places (limited to Italy) with business, touristic and natural points of interest;
  • a new dataset of administrative regions (limited to Europe) with countries, regions, provinces and official european codes, as well as municipalities and local codes and information (Italy only);
  • a very intuitive and developer-oriented API.